

Sunday, March 4, 2012

New News!

Hi there folks. This is a post about a short visit to Winter Park with friends, During the making of our video Mother Falcon Ship, and photos of the behind the scenes for everyone's eyes to see. PHOTOS: Jon Hill
Ben, Ryan, and Jackson welcomes you to the slopes.

Ryan is Flyin', he's also a great influence on the park crew management.

Jackson's truck keeps on truckin'.

Travis behind the lens.

Coolest of times with the coolest of friends.

What a day.

Also just got a photo published of Andrew Burns taken by Jon Hill in Snowboard Colorado's March issue. It's odd writing this because I'm Jon, but check out the issue. Thanks Burnsy for slaying it and Snowboard Colorado for the spread! Check out Burns in Mother Falcon Ship, debuting Fall 2012!


  1. Love you boys! Don't stop vanquishing the snow! Love your number one supporter/biggest fan, Sparkle Unicorn Princess
